Our School Prayer
Dear Lord,
Thank you for creating our wonderful school.
Thank you for our School family.
Please help us learn to love, forgive and remember our school values.
May we be a Lighthouse shining very brightly.

Collective worship brings our school together daily. It is a special time where our pupils and staff can come together to experience the teachings of the Bible, to pray and to reflect. We are incredibly rich in our support from our Community Outreach workers, who deliver worship regularly in school. Pupils also have the opportunity to vist our outdoor sacred space so that they can ‘ask their 'big' questions to support their spiritual growth. Our Pupil faith team evaluate worship on a regular basis and as a group they feedback to the RE leader, who uses their views and opinions to plan worship that is engaging. Funding and support from Chanctonbury churches also enables us to provide further support for specific families. Chanctonbury churches also support the wellbeing of all staff in school.