Governor Information
The School Governors are a group of people interested in education and are there to challenge and lend support to ensure the best possible education for your child. Amongst their responsibilities are curriculum, health & safety, staffing, premises, finance and equal opportunities.
Our Governing Body is arranged into two committees: School Effectiveness and Resources. Committees meet half termly to review the appropriate section of the School Development Plan and the Full Governing Body meets termly.
Name | Role |
Mrs R. Burns | Chair of Governors & Parent Governor |
Mrs P. Thomas | Vice Chair of Governors, Chair of Effectiveness Committee, Foundation Governor & Governor Lead for Safeguarding |
Mr L. Spencer-Smith | Chair of the Resources Committee & Parent Governor |
Revd Patrick Pearson-Miles | Ex-Officio Governor |
Mrs K. Houston | Headteacher Governor |
Mrs E. Greene | Staff Governor |
Miss H. Dean | Co-Opted Governor |
Mr S. Bond | Co-Opted Governor |
Mrs. A. Laker | Co-Opted Governor |
Mrs K. Wood | Co-Opted Governor |
Mr R. Beard | Co-Opted Governor |
Mrs N. Woodage | Local Authority Governor |
Mr G. Baldey | Associate Member |
Madeleine Vaughan | Clerk to Governors |
Governor Vacancies
No vacancies