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Governor Information

The School Governors are a group of people interested in education and are there to challenge and lend support to ensure the best possible education for your child.  Amongst their responsibilities are curriculum, health & safety, staffing, premises, finance and equal opportunities.

Our  Governing Body is arranged into two committees: School Effectiveness and Resources.  Committees meet half termly to review the appropriate section of the School Development Plan and the Full Governing Body meets termly.

Name Role
Mrs R. Burns Chair of Governors & Parent Governor
Mrs P. Thomas Vice Chair of Governors, Chair of Effectiveness Committee, Foundation Governor & Governor Lead for Safeguarding
Mr L. Spencer-Smith Chair of the Resources Committee & Parent Governor
Revd Patrick Pearson-Miles Ex-Officio Governor
Mrs K. Houston Headteacher Governor
Mrs E. Greene Staff Governor
Miss H. Dean Co-Opted Governor
Mr S. Bond Co-Opted Governor
Mrs. A. Laker Co-Opted Governor
Mrs K. Wood Co-Opted Governor
Mr R. Beard Co-Opted Governor
Mrs N. Woodage Local Authority Governor
Mr G. Baldey Associate Member
Madeleine Vaughan Clerk to Governors

Governor Vacancies

No vacancies

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