School Meals
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free hot meal. West Sussex County Council and Chartwells work in partnership to deliver this service at our school. Hot meals can also be provided for pupils in Years 3-6. The meal price from September 2024 is £3.09.
Parents/carers must register, order and where applicable pay by setting up an account with ParentPay. The ParentPay website enables you to view the menu for each day of the week, and you are able to pre-order several weeks in advance. Orders need to be placed by midnight Thursday, ten days ahead of the week required. For example, meals for week starting Monday 12th would have to an order deadline of Thursday 1st. To access the ParentPay website please click here.
Please contact the school office for an activation code.
Chartwells contact number: 01243 774 175